loanScore is a simple way of seeing if the home loan you have at the moment is a good deal or not. We want you to know whether you are getting a good deal based on your circumstances such as the value of your property, the preferences you have for your loan and other home loans currently available.
Using the information you give us, we calculate a score based on how the loan you have compares with loans from 30 lenders. We then give you a score out of 100 to indicate how good your current loan is. The higher the score, the better the deal.
loanScore does not necessarily tell you whether you would be approved for loans with a higher score. Calculating a loanScore does not assess your credit record for example. Each lender has its own lending criteria, so it is possible that loans with a higher score would not be available to you if, for example, you have a poor credit history.
On average, UNO loanScore subscribers could be saving over $17,000 by changing lenders with a better rate.
loanScore helps you understand how close your loan is to the best deal available to you. The higher the score, the better the deal.
Once you know your loanScore, we can help you optimise your situation to save you money.
Your loanScore can change based on variables such as the interest rate, other loans available to you in the market and your personal circumstances, i.e. your borrower profile. Your loanScore is a point-in-time statement and should not be regarded as any kind of representation as to your future loanScore.
The loanScore you receive is just a number. Itâs designed to give you a quick and easy view of whether you have a home loan that compares well to the home loans available to you in the market at that point in time. UNO has designed a unique calculation to determine your loanScore at a given point in time.
Alongside your loanScore, you will see how much we think it might be possible to save by taking action to improve your home loan. This could be through talking to your existing lender, moving to another lender or by simply making some changes to the way you pay off your loan.
Your loanScore can change for a number of reasons. Here are a few common ones:
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*The average potential three (3) year savings of loanScore subscribers who change lenders is $17, 638. Your potential savings value may differ from this based on your individual circumstances. Terms and Conditions apply.